Spiritual Companionship

Spiritual Companion

Spiritual Companionship

What is a spiritual companion?  The wonderful philosopher and poet John O'Donohue said that in every spiritual life, we need an "Aman Cara" or Soul Friend to support us as we navigate through the complexities and ups and downs of our human lives.  Spiritual companionship is a relationship in which, through deep listening,  a companion allows the spiritual story of the other to unfurl. Through this relationship, the person seeking companionship is empowered to explore a deeper relationship with God, Goddess, The Universe, or however you may refer to the Sacred Presence, which is to walk alongside with others as friends, listening to and honoring the sacred stories being told.  What is Spiritual Companionship? It’s simply an opportunity to talk with a trusted person about what is going on with your inner and spiritual life. Spiritual Companionship helps to facilitate and support an honest self-examination required for your personal development and growth. The hope is to nurture a deeper self-awareness and truth of who you are and the greatness that lies within.  Spiritual Companionship is a component of my Metaphysical Ministry practice and I will provide this service on a sliding scale of affordability.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you are interested. 

Please Contact Me for More Information