Posted Mar 11th, 2024 in Spiritual Pondering


I would like to introduce this little post with a lyric from the wonderful Joni Mitchell:

“ We kissed the angels and the moon eclipsed.  You know, Happiness is the best face lift” 

In 2021, right in the middle of Covid-19 lockdowns, I turned 65 years old! These were tough times for all of us!   But, despite those long days of limited social access and excessive levels of anxiety for many of us, I chose to take this time to truly ponder …..just what does it mean to truly be in the “autumn” of my life, now that I am “officially” a senior?    Many of my generation never really thought we would get old-we were the eternally youthful. And, many of us desperately cling to maintaining any little vestige of youth. Getting old is not something we tend to embrace. In fact, we reject the mere notion of getting old!    

I am not judging anyone who chooses to battle the aging process with some or every technology available!  But I chose the road less travelled.   Covid lockdowns forced me to stop colouring my hair, so I embraced my gray.  Having meetings on ZOOM allowed me to stay in my pajamas and preen only a bit from the neck up.  I started to like it!  It was all very freeing!  And, these unusual times allowed a new reflection on my life journey so far and the meaning of it all – it freed me also to take the time to reflect on where I had been, where I am now, and where the adventure that is my life, may or may not lead.  Perhaps most importantly, I had the opportunity to actually embrace being this new age. 

I have been studying Celtic spirituality for over 30 years and love the deep mythology of the archetype of the Triple Goddess.    According to this belief, three figures of the Triple Goddess are often described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of heavens, earth, and underworld or the unknown.  Fore more information on the Triple Goddess, click here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Goddess_(Neop....

Yes!   OK, I was definitely entering  (well, actually pretty much well-into)  the phase of the Crone! For a wonderful discussion about the gifts of the crone, I suggest you read some books by Jean Shinoda Bolen, such as Crones Don’t Whine and Goddesses in Older Women. 

Crones Don’t Whine Crones Don't Whine

Goddesses in Older Women  Goddesses in Older Women

So, in the middle of the pandemic, in 2001, I was ready to truly own my age and to embrace graduation from my youth- into the age of Crone!   So, as per covid restrictions, I invited four of my dearest friends to accompany me as I declared and “crowned” myself a Crone! Together, around a bonfire, we embarked in a ritual which honoured and celebrated the various stages of my life-from maiden, mother (ok, I’m not a biological mother, but I have definitely given birth to and nurtured projects, ideas, etc…..) and now….. crone.   It was very meaningful – with the witnessing by dear friends and the remembrances of so many experiences and adventures and trials and joys in life- to now welcome this new phase of my life with respect, with honour and, yes, hope.  There is indeed hope in bringing the wisdom and a little bit of "savoire faire"  learned as a “maiden” and a “mother”…..into the world.  I still have much to offer- as we all do …now as a “crone”.  

Believe me-I LOVED my time as a maiden….and as a “mother” ….what amazing and crazy and beautiful and painful and glorious experiences I have had.!  I am so thankful for each and every one of them-even the painful ones.  And, I am STILL that maiden and “mother”. But I am also a crone-and that is pretty awesome as well!  I am grateful that I am still here, with all the experiences of my life showing up in my way of living and on the wrinkles of my face.  From the laugh lines, to the frown and worry lines, to the sun-damage scars, to the features inherited from my ancestors. They are all me. Every line reflects that glory, the pain, the yearnings, the joys and losses of my life so far. 

I say, let’s celebrate our time here on planet earth-whatever your age.  I am here to help you celebrate your achievements, honour the calm and craziness of your journey and embrace the many facets of wonderful YOU!   As Joni sings “happiness is the best facelift”!   Joni Mitchell Turbulent Indigo

picture credit:  Wendy Andrews https://www.paintingdreams.co.uk/

If you are interested in embracing your inner crone, 

Please Contact Me